ROXY 5 years old, the clown, also known as my beautiful girl and trouble is a (spayed) Brindle Purebred Boxer.
Unlike Tyler who likes to be kissed Roxy likes to be the kisser, her tongue and nubby little tail will go a mile a minute although she rarely ever touches you, most times she's just kissing the air.
She like Tyler lives for her walks, car rides and biscuits. Unlike Tyler she loves kids, getting brushed and drinking from the hose, which she does every time I water the plants.
As soon as the warm weather hits a car ride or walk often ends with her bellying down in the ditch beside the house and then a hose down to get rid of the stench. I have a pool for her but what she considers a hot day and what the thermometer reads are two different things so I always wait until I know that there won't be a cold snap that will crack her pool before bringing it out, this is her private pool and she will push away any dog that tries to get in it, including the beautiful male white boxer that lives up the road.
Unlike Tyler who will fetch anything Roxy will only fetch him, while he's running after a toy she's right behind him only she's not after the toy her prize is his tail,( she will bite down on the tip of it which is all hair and this looks as if he's dragging her around the yard).
Her passion in life is chasing the neighbors cats away from the bird feeders and out of her yard,she has never hurt a cat and 99% of the time she will only give chase to the end of the property line, (they both know that if they leave the yard it means being sent to the back door and no biscuits for the remainder of the day, their only reprieve is being able to eat their dog food and going outside to do their business "under close scrutiny" then it's straight to the back door again). By the end of the day all is forgiven and tomorrow a new day.
In early 2008 she began loosing her hair and started gaining a lot of weight, she went up to 87 pounds when a female boxer should only be in the sixties, we took her to the vets and found out she had a Thyroid problem, it was too low, they put her on medication which she will be on for the rest of her life, her beautiful brindle hair has come back and she's now at a more healthy weight.
We also found out that she has an allergy to bee stings which was pretty scarey as you can see in the picture below, her face was so swollen that she could barely open her eyes and she was having a hard time breathing because her throat was also swollen so we have to make sure to have the antihistamine Benadryl on hand every summer.

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